Beautiful Makeover of a French Provincial Mirror

I gave this this gorgeous antique mirror a makeover using Fusion Mineral Paint and a bit of gold accents. I absolutely LOVE how it turned out!! Keep reading to see all of the details of how I created this look to turn the old mirror a makeover. Below I show you exactly what I did.
Vintage mirror before the makeover:

Gather supplies for your mirror:
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Fusion Mineral Paint in Goddess Ashgawanda
Fusion Mineral Paint in Sacred Sage
Paint Brush
Cheese Cloth
Prep your Mirror:
Clean the mirror – I wiped the mirror down with just warm water and soap.
Sanded the mirror – use a fine grit sandpaper to smooth the surface and remove any loose paint or debris.
Cleaned the mirror again – I used White Lightening Cleaner by Dixie Bell.
Tape off the mirror before painting

Use newspaper and painters tape to cover the mirror to protect it from getting paint on the glass. If you have any the came through after, you can just scrape it off with a straight razor.
Begin painting your antique mirror:
For this mirror I mixed Goddess Ashwaganda with a few drops of Sacred Sage. Fusion Mineral paint has a built in top coat so you don’t have to use one if you don’t want.

Add Antiquing and Gilding Wax:
I brushed the antique wax on with a sponge to the areas I that I felt it need it. Then I rubbed it in with a cheese cloth until I got the look I wanted.
Next, I added gilding wax. I used a tiny bit on my finger and just gently glided it over the areas I wanted to add a little magic.
Vintage Mirror After its amazing Makeover!

Here is the mirror after. I am so excited about how it turned out. Next I will paint the small buffet table its on top of!
Have you seen my last post where I made over an old vintage Rocking Chair?